Financial burden of owning vacant houses in the US.

How Owning Vacant houses In The US Can Cost You Thousands

If you own vacant houses in the US, you might not be aware of the significant financial burden they can become. While having real estate can be a great investment, leaving properties unoccupied can cost you thousands of dollars Here is how a vacant property can end up costing you thousands of dollars: Table Of Contents The Hidden … Continued
A busy scene showing the challenges of buying and selling a house simultaneously.The-image show a person juggling keys paperwork and a clock.

Stress-Free Moving Guide: Can You Buy a House While Selling Yours?

Yes, you can buy a house while selling your current one, it requires careful planning and coordination. Buying a house while selling your current one can be complex, but it’s certainly achievable with the right approach and support. Planning to buy a new house but worried about the stress of selling your current one? Well, stress … Continued

What Is A Quitclaim Deed And Why You Should NEVER Use One

A quitclaim deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership interest in a property from one party to the other. Unlike a warranty deed, which guarantees that the grantor (seller) holds clear title to the property and has the legal right to transfer it, a quitclaim deed offers no such guarantees, and all of … Continued
Real estate township as a 6-mile by 6-mile square area, divided into 36 sections.

What Is Township In Real Estate

A Township in real estate is a 6-mile by 6-mile square area, divided into 36 sections for a total area of 36 square miles. Townships are used for mapping and describing land in the U.S. and are geographical and political subdivisions of a county. For example: Penn Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania is a Township. This … Continued

How Landlords Can Save Money Making Repairs In Louisville

In order to bring more long term value to the rental property–especially if you’d like to sell in the near future–it’s often recommended a landlord should keep up with regular maintenance any ultimately make the necessary repairs. You can find ways to save money making repairs in order to always keep your property in tip-top … Continued

5 Benefits of Selling Your House Via Rent to Own in Louisville

For those who may be ready to sell yet can hold onto a house that is ready for rental for a few years longer, the rent-to-own scenario provides some perks that make rent-to-own an option worth considering.  There is a large buyer pool waiting for these opportunities, seeking to attain the lifestyle that homeownership affords … Continued

Using A Lease Option To Sell Your House in Louisville

The exit strategy you use to sell your house can make all the difference in earning the highest possible returns on your real estate investment. An extremely lucrative alternative to selling your house outright, lease options offer a way for you to earn a higher return on the sale. At the end of the agreement, … Continued

What To Do If Your Tenants Asks To Sub-Lease In Louisville

There are a variety of reasons why your tenant may ask to sub-lease in Louisville. Some landlords are fine with it, while others are not. Learn more about the process in our latest post! Sublets can work out just fine so long as the tenant has received the permission of the landlord. All contracts need … Continued

5 Ways to Deal With Bad Tenants in Louisville

Anyone who’s been a landlord for any length of item knows that headaches and hassles are simply part of the job description. And number-one among those headaches/hassles is problem tenants. For truly bad tenants in Louisville, eviction is always an option. But that can be a lengthy and expensive process, so it’s better to find … Continued

How to Sell a House With Tenants in Louisville

An exit strategy should be a part of every investment, with the sale of the property planned out ahead of time. Of course, savvy real estate investors understand they must keep a steady eye on the market and their holdings and, when called to make adjustments, which may leave a landlord holding a rental property … Continued

5 Tips For Selling Your Rental Property In Louisville

Selling your rental property may feel like a challenge. With tenants living in the home, it can be even more difficult. Utilize these tips for selling a rental property in our latest post! As a landlord in Louisville, there may come a time when you need to sell your rental property. While waiting until your … Continued